So we rank 4th this period. Back to where we started at. But on a happier note, our budget is now at $11,000 for next period which gives us more room to work with. The Bart Industry Government is also granting each company a subsidy of $1.9 million to help with the slow industry growth.
For the 3rd period in the row, we are incurring a loss on our SONY product. After looking at our brand results report, the decision has been made to drop SONY; it is still in the middle of nowhere on the perceptual map even after modifying it with huge advertising research efforts post-launch. Still, something seems array and we can’t place our finger on it? Since period 4 our management team has wondered if the change in price and perceptual objectives to SONY are considered a modification. The answer is unclear – we inquired with a few of our competitors and as expected, we got consistent replies of “we’re not sure.” It seems that we will not find out the answer until our scheduled meeting with the ‘markstrat experts’ next period.
In the Vodite market, VEXX undercut us in price despite their base cost and characteristics are a little better than our VOTI. We might have been too greedy on our margin, and we will have to get rid of the huge inventory left next period as inventory holding cost for Vodites are considerable. Seeing how Team A is progressively doing better with their Vodites (note: a 139% increase in volume sold), we realized that the Vodite market (especially the followers segment with expected growth of
3000% in next 5 years) has infinite potential for expansion. That is why we are ordering more Vodite research studies next period – we must get to know more about the market before we can excel in it.

Looking now to our long term perspective, we are planning to scale back our total number of products offered because we realize that we do not have enough budget to do extremely well with all five products in market at the same time. However, we must actively participate in R&D to ensure we capture sufficient market share to boost our sluggish stock price.