Our decision to drop SONY was wise — at least we are not further incurring more inventory holding costs which will hinder the growth of our stock price. It is also good news to know that we sold out most of our products. Our main competitor now is Team E. We will need to find ways to compete head-on with their products; preferably before they get even richer! From the newsletter we found out that they dropped their SEHI (initially targeted at High-earners), and this means that we can now capture the entire High-earners market with our modified SONO the period after next. As for SEMI (which is targeted at Others), they are selling upwards of 378,000 units while our comparable product, SOLD, is only selling in the range of 96,000 units. We must modify SOLD with PSOAR this period so that we can “push” SEMI out of the Others market. At the same time, seeing this opportunity in the Others market, we will modify SOCK this period (based on PSOAR) so that we can saturate the Others market with our products.
The main highlight this period was the 413.7% growth in volume sold for VOTI. We are heading in the right direction and will further modify it with PVOOT to better target the explosively growing followers segment. The future of Company O is looking bright!
As an aside, Company O would like to thank the industry experts: they were generous in informing us that the change in perceptual objectives and price of a product will not be considered a modification to a product.
Nice comeback from last period! Second place is little more respectable than second to last place. So, I have a question for you. Why did y’all increase my price? Weren’t y’all thinking that move could hurt your sales? I don’t mean to be a jerk (wait, I don’t really care!), but it’s kinda obvious that the lack of marketing and sales force allocation really damaged consumers views of what I have to offer them (which is a whole lot more than another product out there…ahem…SEMI). I know what you are thinking. It’s true that I sold out, BUT you sold the exact amount that was produced, so you were lucky if you ask me! PURE luck. Anyways, that is all I am going to say about that.
Hi Everyone! OMG I am so excited to be here! I want to give a shout out to SOBO (my super fun cousin). Right now I’m totally into those Buffs, like how awesome is it that they bought over 32,500 units of me?! I have about 3500 units still in inventory, over production totally SUCKS, but I based me production numbers on how much SASS produced when they first came out and went for the Buffs.
Those Others seem totally hot too, but I realized that they are just totally into other dimensions than what I have to offer. Which means I am totally going to have to go on a modification campaign ASAP and make myself EXACTLY what they want. So I have made the big decision to do just that. With my modification and a price decrease from $370 to $255, there is no way they will walk past me anymore. Together, me and SOLD are going to totally saturate the attention of all those Others, they won’t even know what hit them hehe.
Can’t wait to see you all next time!
This is the last of me saying my final goodbyes – not like it really matters anyway; no one liked me from the start.
Why hello SOCK – welcome to our team! I’m here to offer you any advice you need I’m consistently performing well and selling out and yet my producers at Bart O still have not seen my potential for production. I feel kind of ‘behind the scene’ considering how majority of the focus is on the newcomers – because c’mon, I received the least amount of advertising this period and still maintained a strong result – I deserve more attention don’t you think?
A whole 1.8% increase?! THAT’S IT?! I feel like I’ve been working so hard for nothing. Although on the bright side, I am selling more than that wretched SELF. HAH, take that SELF! And there are almost no more units of me in inventory. I guess today isn’t a total write-off after all.
Actually today is quite the momentous occasion, I’M GETTING MODIFIED! But SHHH, I don’t want any other of those sniveling Sonite’s to know. The last thing I need is for SELF or SIBI to go and copy me AGAIN. After today, the Hi Earners won’t be able to get enough of me! Not only am I EXACTLY what they want, but I’m fairly reasonably priced at $445.
Oh wow, this is so wonderful! I’ve sold out more than 40,000 units and people still want more! I feel so honoured to be doing so well in my 2nd period out, increasing my volume sold by a whopping 400%! Thanks for everyone who’s putting trust in me, who would’ve thought a slight decrease in price of $25 to undercut VEXX would do me so well – I know it’s a dirty game but I’m learning it’s the only way to go.
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