Thursday, January 24, 2008

Period 1

We rank last this period amongst industry competitors. Not the start we were hoping for but the good news is there is only one direction we can go from here. Both products have showed moderate growth in sales but comparably lower than what the other companies are currently selling. One reason is that a competitor of ours, Team E, is undercutting us on price for both products. The other reason is that we have not allocated enough advertising budget to create brand awareness in the market.

Obviously, our goal next period is to capture more market share. We will adopt a price-penetration strategy – we will decrease the price for SOLD and SONO to $199 and $499 with the aim of undercutting all our competitors so as to capture market share in the early stage. We are also hiring more salespeople to assist in the expected growth in sales. Further, we are happy to see that the results for our feasibility study have been released: we are going to invest budget into our first R&D project, PSOLI, which will be used to modify SOLD in period 3.

This period’s decisions feel inline with our overall growth strategy. It certainly feels as though we are aligning our strategy to start heading in the right direction — up!...the stock index chart that is!


SOLD said...

Hmm…so y’all are last this period. Not the best of times for you huh? You did manage to sell most of me, with only 20 units in inventory so that’s good at least! Y’all might want to consider lowering my price. Since team E is priced at $210, they are giving y’all a run for your money! But be careful not to lower it too much! The profit margin on me is already pretty low. Oh, and I definitely think that my awareness is not high enough in the market to motivate the Others into buying me…perhaps you should allocate more advertising? Just a suggestion.


SONO said...

I guess all this attention is rather flattering, especially from all those Pros who don’t mind paying for my high price. However, I think that I could definitely capture more of their attention if only I was just a little cheaper, I HATE being undercut by all those wannabe Sonites out there. Who do SALT, SELF, SIBI, and SULI think they are?! Next time I think I’ll have to focus on making all those Pros think I have increase my economy and convenience.