Thursday, April 3, 2008

Period 10

We managed to maintain our 2nd place position this period. Our continued success is primarily thanks to general growth in volume sales for all of our Sonites. SONO continues to be our big “money-maker”— it’s contribution adds almost $30 million to our total profits! Despite a number of the other Teams losing their market share and competitive positions in the market, we must not forget that we are way behind Team E. Looking ahead, we will modify our VOTI to have it better targeted towards the Followers market. As well, we may introduce another Vodite to capture more market share in this rapidly growing market. As was mentioned above, our Sonites continue to perform well and with more advertising and more optimal sales force allocation, we will aim for constant growth of around 20% in volume sold in periods to come.

The long term outlook for Company O is looking positive at this point. A major goal will be to close the gap between Team E and ourselves; our plans call for the meeting of this objective within three periods. We may even look into coordinating with Team E to create a duopoly environment that will be beneficial to both of our companies (as in the Coke and Pepsi industry); we recognize that there may not be a lot of incentive for Team E to agree to this now, but we feel that after closing the gap between our two companies they may be more inclined to take us up on our offer.


SOLD said...

Thank God y’all dropped my price down from $199 to $195. I definitely gave Company E’s product SEMI some needed whoop-ass!!! It’s just not fair that they have so much market share, you know? You have to share a little, especially for cheaper products like me! Also, I am glad that y’all are finally learning how much of me to produce! With only 19 units in inventory, y’all have eliminated excess inventory, while still providing all my lucky fans with the availability of me, which is the best product ever! Just make sure you keep this up in the future since I really don’t like lingering on those dusty shelves!


VOTI said...

Hmm, maybe a bit of a disappointing ending and a slight drop – but regardless, I’m still staying strong and I’m loving the exposure I’m getting with the Followers. They’ve finally realized that I’m well trusted and reliable and are finally putting faith in me. VEXX is once again doing phenomenal…maybe I’ll try to get in a bit closer with them and learn a few tricks or two. Watch out for me though, I promise you I have immense potential!

SOBO said...

Wow it’s been absolutely unbelievable – I’ve surpassed all hopes and dreams for Team O – finally a volume sold number above 300,000 – they didn’t think it was possible but I proved them all wrong! An epic ending and definitely a huge increase to our winnings – Remember how I didn’t think I was worth much back in period 7? Well I proved everyone, even myself, wrong.

-signing off but never forgotten, SOBO

SONO said...

FINALLY those Hi Earners are beginning to realize just how FANTASTIC I really am. I have over a 22% increase in sales this period, and between you and me, it's quite the ego boost!

After all my hard work, I think ill nip off to the stores and do a little damage.