Thursday, January 31, 2008

Period 2

We rank 4th this period. From the newsletters and market research studies it became evident that our competitors are investing huge portions of their budget on R&D. Specifically, last period’s winner (Team I) is spending a huge amount of money on R&D and is doing really well. The competition is getting fierce. We cannot afford to delay our R&D decisions and must modify our products as soon as possible in order to keep up with the frantic pace.

As for our current products, it’s exciting to know that our production department is getting more efficient — they produced significantly more than we requested, and the good news is we sold out everything. Increased marketing efforts were definitely helpful in boosting our sales. Our profits grew by $10 million this period.

To everyone’s surprise, Team A launched a new product (SASS) this period and it entirely captured the Buffs market. In such a competitive environment, we believe the best strategy to pursue is differentiation from our competitors. Our Board of Directors have agreed to launch a new product (SOBO) which will be very similar to SASS but with a significantly lower price; the aim for SOBO will be to capture lost share in the Buffs market. Together, coupled with more aggressive advertising expenditure, we are hiring more salespeople to help promote and sell this brand new product. In addition, the added sales force should help to increase sales for our existing SOLD and SONO products to their respective target markets.

We know that we will have to continue to strategize with the future in mind in order to succeed. We are ordering a feasibility study on our PSONY project which is going to be a brand new product targeted towards Singles in the long run. Next period, we will use the finished R&D project, PSOLI, to modify SOLD and better target it to the Others market. We are also altering the MDS dimensions of our current products to help better target them towards their respective target markets. In the long run, we are planning to enter the Vodite market to gain possible first-mover advantage; in anticipation of entering this new market we are ordering some Vodite market research studies.


SOLD said...

I noticed that y’all dropped my price to undercut my competitors. Interesting, but I hope you know that a price war isn’t always the way to succeed! It is only diminishing your profit margin and my fans may perceive me as being poor quality! Not good at all! I see that you are going to try and modify me for next period! I hope you know what you are doing…why mess with a good thing is what I always say! Oh and make sure you remember that the Others segment really likes convenience. From what I have seen, I am way off on that element! Well goodluck with the modification. You’ll need it!


SONO said...

Well, well, well, I am feeling rather proud of myself today. Could the Pros have loved me anymore? I mean, they totally ate me up, I SOLD OUT COMPLETELY! Actually, that got me to thinking, that since I am in such high demand, why limit myself?! I am definitely going to make sure there more of me around next time. I’m getting a little worried that I am competing with too many other Sonites for the Pros’ attention, and I think it’s about time I moved onto the Hi Earners. I think they could truly appreciate my fabulousness. All I really have to do is adjust my MDS dimensions so that the Hi Earners perceive me as being exactly what I want, which is great because modifying myself is just waaaay to much heavy lifting for this amazing one. I suppose it’s time to drop my price from $493 to $469. But let me make one thing clear: I am only dropping my price to undercut all those silly other Sonites, NOT because I am any less of a high quality item!

OMG! I totally forgot to mention about the newbie on the market… SASS. What a copycat! Seriously, could she have been any less original?! SASS has the exact same specs as me. Luckily she seems to be popular with those nerdy Buffs, probably because she’s cheaper. At least she’s not competing with me for the Hi Earners and Pros’ attention.